This is a premium out-of-home advertising placement available for brands and advertisers.
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Package Preview
30 Games - (2) Static Dasherboards + Digitially Enhanced Dasherboards
20 Games - (2) Static Dasherboards + Digitially Enhanced Dasherboards
+17 more packages
Exposure throughout the St. Louis Region on assets that include
Static Dasherboards - Ice level signage captured with the hockey action
Digitally Enhanced Dasherboards - Full takeover of the ice level dashers on tv broadcast on local and national broadcasts
Virtual Slot + Glass - Digital signage inside both blue lines and behind each goal displayed in 2-minute rotations
LED Ribbonboard Signage - Digital signage displayed above and below the main videoboard at St. Louis Blues Home Games and on the fascia ribbonboard lining the upper seating area
Concourse Blade Signage - (58) Signs around Enterprise Center displaying :15 commercials and/or branding
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